Unique vintage finds from the heart of the Sonoran desert.

VQ77 Monthly Yard Sale
VintageQueen77 yard sales usually happen mid-month and are always posted on Craigslist, Facebook and yardsales.net.

Interested in consignment?
If you are based in southern Arizona and have a small collection of collectible or vintage items you believe have value and demand but don't want to sell it yourself, Vintagequeen77 is here to help. 50/50 split of all profits, items must be priced at $30 and up, please.
Email Kaia at ki@vintagequeen77.com.
Please use this form for general inquiries or interest in products were selling.
For estate sales, please contact Richard Hagen at (520) 271-7850.

I’m Kaia, the Tucson native behind VintageQueen77.
I have over 25 years hands-on experience in resale, first working with a group of fabulous people and now as my own business, VintageQueen77.
Generally, I will pick up anything special that has demand. I particularly love selling books and jewelry and have recently started selling clothes. I source at estate sales and yard sales, and through thrifting.
I have started taking on consignment clients,
beyond my main client Richard Hagen. I love finding homes for treasures and am a reliable, honest gal. I have been in the customer service industry for years and will always strive for excellent service for my customers. I hope you keep checking out the new items I am listing daily. Cheers!
with Richard Hagen